Tag: foodventurer

From Madrid with Love. Gastromaquia.

I’ve been quite lucky to collaborate with Gastromaquia, a restaurant originally from Madrid, that specializes in Spanish cuisine. I heard about their rumor (positive one) almost a year ago and had the impression that they were serving high quality food, so I was pretty excited. I visited the place twice, […]

Holy Bakmi by Bakmie Ong.

Attention! The post below is about NON-HALAL food! The newest ‘Bakmi’ house is in the neighbourhood. Or at least, the newest that I tried.  Anyway, afterall stumbling into a couple of pictures showcasing Bakmie Ong‘s noodles, I was bound to come and pay a visit, afterall, it’s just a mile away […]

Gourmet Salted Egg Chips. Foundry Snacks.

Everyone who digs some salted egg chips please raise your hand! Okay, I’m pretty sure that none of you will raise your hand (because it will look stupid raising your hand in front of your computer/laptop :P), but hey, I’ve got a short review for Foundry Snacks. Foundry Snacks sells […]

The Pride of Our Very Own Indonesian Cuisine. 1945 Restaurant.

“What is your favourite cuisine?” Well, I got asked quite often about this question, and honestly, my answer often falls between American to Italian cuisine. But the truth is, without me actually realizing, Indonesian cuisine is one underlying favourite, one that exists without being asked for. How’s not? I mean, […]

THE EDGE of the Beauty.

Last December during my visit to Bali, I spent some of my time visiting beautiful places in Pecatu/Uluwatu area. One of the most notable (probably amongst all the trips I have ever had) findings was The Edge. Well, me saying superlative things like this, you should understand the reasons why. […]


The newest eatery in Kelapa Gading is now opened and it’s called ANTEROGRADE! It’s been sort of a few weeks actually, and I got the privillege to try first hand in this hotspot. As usual, I came a bit later than I should have been, and everybody was just sitting around […]